Monday, June 8, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Happy June!

Time is flying by...already 9 months old & busier than ever! My mommy, daddy and I went to the Brewer's baseball game to celebrate my daddy's 30th birthday. We had a lot of fun--I loved the fireworks, the loud music and cheering!! There was so much to see and do! I even got a bobblehead doll and a certificate for being at my 1st game :-D
I continue to crawl around EVERYWHERE, pull myself up onto furniture and walk around the room! My mom and dad get TIRED, let me tell you! hahaha...makes me laugh...hahaha... I'm trying new foods (like chicken and vegetables, avocados, custard--my grandpa gave me--and potpie filling!!) and love going to see the animals at the zoo and swing at the park!
And in only a couple of weeks, I'll be in my new bedroom at my new house...that has a swingset...and lots of room to move...can you tell I'm excited??!!! Mommy and Daddy are so happy too.
Signing off...